Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Protect Your Identity, Part 3: Guard Your Cards

Now that you have protected your social security number and documents, its time to be reminded about protecting your actual credit cards, including PINs.

It is important to remember that you should make photocopies of all important documents.  This includes credit cards, driver's license, social security card, investments, passport, debit cards, and bank accounts.  Write down the customer service contact phone numbers and expiration dates. Also, remember to photocopy the back of the cards, which may have emergency contact information or codes you may need.  Now, put these copies in a fire-proof lock box or filing cabinet.  If any of these documents or cards are stolen, you will be able to act quickly to cancel them and have the information necessary to get them replaced in a timely manner.  In addition, if you were to be faced with a robbery, you will be less likely to over react our of concern for loosing these items, and instead can remember that no physical possession is more important than your own personal safety.

In regards to your credit or debit cards, it is also  essential to safeguard your Personal Identification Numbers (PIN).  Be aware of camera phones when using your credit cards or entering a PIN.  These devices can be used to record your PIN inconspicuously.  Block the keypad from view with your body or palm as you enter your number.  Also, limit how often you use your PIN and make it available to others.  If you can use your bankcard as a credit card instead of a debit card, it will eliminate the risk of entering the PIN number in public and having it stored in a company's computer.

Until next time...Be Safe!
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